CEOs dropping like flies Who's got the list?
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· 1h
CBS CEO Joe Ianniello is leaving the company https://cnb.cx/2OvQlS7
Democrat heads exploding in 3...2...1...
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· 3m
BREAKING: GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski: "I carefully considered the need for additional witnesses and documents, to cure the shortcomings of its process, but ultimately decided that I will vote against considering motions to subpoena." http://abcn.ws/2GNacaN
Why is@CDCgov And #BigPharma scrambling to make a #coronavirus vaccine when Lysol has killed the virus since 2018 per this label on a can at work? .
KILL3R Brrrrrrrrrrt #JesusIsKing WWG1WGA
One of my favorite moments from yesterday. By this logic, Trump should just write a check to Ukraine for their trouble and the Dems will be completely satisfied
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
WQW, WQW, WQW ! Look at all the colors that came in
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Schumann Resonances
· 3h
2020-01-31 15:00UTC
We are anxiously hoping to hear good news as soon as possible. (오랜만이군요 is correct words)
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Lyndon Lueders
· 3h
Remember Trumps Historuc Visit? TURN OFF MSM SO Much good news!
BREAKING: Sen. Lisa Murkowski will vote 'No' on subpoenaing new witnesses She says "The Congress, as an institution, has failed" I couldn't agree more. RT if you want the Senate to end this SHAM impeachment and get back to work for the American people!
1. This is what ERIC CIARAMELLA is responsible for: video: uncensored version the massacre of 100 people in Ukraine, Feb 2014 THE UKRAINE HOLOCAUST John Brennan, Barack Obama, Victoria Nuland involved, too. warning: graphic images
Replying to @StormIsUponUs
My buddy yelled "Q Sent Me".....look what POTUS does with his hand in the air
Did we get her under oath saying this?
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· Jan 30
Replying to @Lrihendry
It would be a day all Americans look forward to. Lol
It would be pretty sweet if January 31st became: B - Brexit / A- Acquittal D - Day Like a nice high-five with our nation-loving friends across the pond! [I follow back!]
Manny The Crazy Cuban@cuban_manny
Justice Roberts blocks Sen. Rand Paul from questions naming the whistleblower ! America we trusted an establishment deep state Republican President for nominating this Justice and he turns his back on all conservatives !! I wonder why
Chuck Schumer: "If my Republican colleagues refused to even consider witnesses and documents in this trial, this country is headed toward the greatest cover-up since Watergate."
With the impeachment sham about to come to an end today is a good day to thank
for all that he does for us as well as for absorbing all of the abuse that he takes to make America great Thank you, President Trump. You'll go down in history as the greatest ever.
It would be pretty sweet if January 31st became:
B - Brexit /
A- Acquittal
D - Day
Like a nice high-five with our nation-loving friends across the pond! [I follow back!]
In Landslide Defeat, Dems Lose Race That Was Supposed To Start Turning Texas Blue Texans elected Republican businessman Gary Gates over Dem Eliz Markowitz by an impressive 58% to 42% margin to become next congressman for the 28th Congressional District.
barbara barnes@barbara18288359
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Michael Murdock (#Cult45 Bonafide Member)
· 39m
Fox just Reported "LOUD CHEERS" from the Senate Reublicans (in a room before trial today). ???? Is that the sound of acquittal? Guess we'll find out soon!
President Trump fights human trafficking/ped0 philia every day. Hussein Obama/HRC had a human trafficking hotline that would ring into the Clinton Foundation. The wicked witch could send out the flying monkeys to pick up the ones calling for help. The same phone number
Joe M@StormIsUponUs
· 4h
If we get Sinema, Jones and Manchin from the Dems to vote in favor of immediate acquittal, this will be the mother of all #Qproofs. (56 senators).
Bitches be crazy
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Terri Parker
· 4h
BREAKING: two female suspects now in custody after breaching two barricades near the winter white house Mar a lago on Palm Beach / pursued by FHP - shots fired into the vehicle @WPBF25News
Sean Hannity
· 2h
SO SAD, SO SOMBER: Schumer SCOLDS Kamala Harris for Laughing During Impeachment Briefing
In Landslide Defeat, Dems Lose Race That Was Supposed To Start Turning Texas Blue Texans elected Republican businessman Gary Gates over Dem Eliz Markowitz by an impressive 58% to 42% margin to become next congressman for the 28th Congressional District.
America First - Official Account America-First.org
This imbecile has lost his mind. How many stories can this loser make up with a straight face? #LockThemAllUp #MAGA
yesitsme (jtwightman) Just a messenger
Weinstein accuser tells court his genitalia looked 'like a vagina' https://pagesix.com/2020/01/31/weinstein-accuser-tells-court-his-genitalia-looked-like-a-vagina/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons… via
Exactly, When The Shoe Fits Wear It !!!
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Don Purser@DGPurser
· 2h
If think the crazy rhetoric and insane lies of Chuck Schumer are a recent thing, take a look at this editorial that describes him, going back to his days as a Congressman, some 25 years ago. Even then they called him "The most disliked man in America" (I follow back Patriots.)
Please note correction of earlier Tweet! The Shift began last Summer, on July 18, 2019 (not 2018), when a frequency fence surrounding the Earth was removed. This frequency fence kept humanity and the planet in quiet isolation for nearly 11,000 years.
In Landslide Defeat, Dems Lose Race That Was Supposed To Start Turning Texas Blue Texans elected Republican businessman Gary Gates over Dem Eliz Markowitz by an impressive 58% to 42% margin to become next congressman for the 28th Congressional District.
: Special Trump Impeachment Update, JW Sues on Biden/Burisma Scandal & “Whistleblower”
Mike Bravo
· 7h
The Democrats ran an investigation out of the public eye hidden in the basement of Congress... They had 18 Witnesses, 17 we heard from, 1 they hid because he hurt their agenda.. Now they want to cry and scream because the rule of law is the Constitution!
Whenever you see a news story or a government official, say “17” can you please hashtag #Q17 and/or #QAnon17? For the Anons it means “Patriots are in control” and I miss a lot. Here are some examples below.
10:07 AM · Jan 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
2) https://twitter.com/cjtruth/status/1214874825275117568?s=21…
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· Jan 8
“$1.7 billion.” Patriots in control. #Q17 #QAnon17 https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1214860463030382592…
3) https://twitter.com/cjtruth/status/1215709862245564416?s=21…
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· Jan 10
Where have I heard that “17” number before? Patriots in control! #QAnon17 #Q17 https://twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1215674606318604288
Impeachment final vote coming tonight... PRIME TIME THIS SHOW IS OVER!!!
Arthur Schwartz@ArthurSchwartz
Senate defeats motion to call witnesses. And Jake Tapper looks like he’s going to cry.
Witches chant. Witches lose. This is spiritual warfare! Pray for President Trump. Use the weapons of your warfare. That's how every battle against the forces of darkness are won. There is no other way. I can literally hear the demons. #Trump2020 #ImpeachmentWitchHunt #WWG1GWA
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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 2h
The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats keep chanting “fairness”, when they put on the most unfair Witch Hunt in the history of the U.S. Congress. They had 17 Witnesses, we were allowed ZERO, and no lawyers. They didn’t do their job, had no case. The Dems are scamming America!
·zerohedge got twitter suspended
Don't worry guys,@realDonaldTrump
and@parscale are monitoring the situation!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
No matter what you give to the Democrats, in the end, they will NEVER be satisfied. In the House, they gave us NOTHING!
With the impeachment sham about to come to an end today is a good day to thank
for all that he does for us as well as for absorbing all of the abuse that he takes to make America great Thank you, President Trump. You'll go down in history as the greatest ever.
Newt Gingrich: ‘Schiff is a pathological liar:seems to have NO ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood’ overwhelming evidence claims of wrongdoing by POTUS never appear #SchiffisaTOOL #VoteRedToSaveAmerica Trump2020
Guess who else in Ukraine at this time? Lurch Kerry!
Read the act of 1871. Gov't was nearly bankrupt in 1871 after the war. They signed an agreement to make the country a Corp. Under the rule of the crown. There are two constitutions. TRUMP is ending the Corp and restoring us to a free republic
What an awesome Family The First Family is we R so blessed!
Santa Claus Of The United States
· Jan 30
#Q has been dropping...Do you still believe in #Q? #SCOTUS
This is being slowly removed from the internet, two of my bookmarked copies are gone. Why don't [they] want us to see it? Why has our REAL history been hidden until 2065? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rf_inGOubEg&t=11s
POTUS is opening the door. Behind the door is evil, mind boggling darkness. LETTING THE SUNSHINE IN! Evil cannot hide in the light.
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· 6h
#QProof Q652
on 1/31/2018 POTUS today(1/31/2020)
signs EO for Human Trafficking. 2year Delta. FUTURE PROVES PAST. Do you believe in coincidences?
Sevyn I.the.SPY Quinn@ayethespy
US Constitution/Article 2....President Trump would not allow them to "put him to heel" forcing him to violate the US Constitution/Article 2, separation of Power...This is a historical moment and his attorneys should be considered legal scholars as opposed to what the media says
The Swamp is draining. We’ll need four more years to clean it all up. This process takes time.
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All Things Considered
· 1h
JUST IN: Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, has retired from the State Department. She was abruptly removed from her post in May 2019 and was a key witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
Replying to
This is a great day for freedom. Let freedom ring Worldwide!
Jazziette Devereaux @Jazziette·
The NOs have it! There will be NO WITNESSES! YAYYY!!!! Let’s get this sham over and done with and back to the business of the people.
51 to 49. #SusanCollins and #MittRomney traitors . #VoteOutCollinsAndRomney #VoteThemAllOut2020
CAN I GET A BAMM!? - Senate Votes Down Extra Impeachment Witnesses, Paves Way for Trump Acquittal http://bit.ly/2u7UzIr via
The Dirty Truth “Josh”@AKA_RealDirty
Video thread of@RudyGiulianilaying out the evidence of @JoeBiden’s corruption in Ukraine.
Romney is dirty. No other way to describe it. Dems have something on the rat fink, & whatever it is, it ain’t pretty.
Updated: Possible Intelligence re: Dallas Rally /JFK Jr.
Danielle, Under an impeachment trial, the rules are simple. Calling witnesses is a procedure done by the House, which Schiff gladly did, calling 17 witnesses giving Trump 0. You don’t get to add another witness in the senate trial because the NYT got a leak from Bolton’s book.
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Danielle Misiak@DanielleMisiak
· 1h
Replying to @JShade73 and @igorbobic
the trial occurs in the senate. the senate called 0 witnesses.
Big day. Will be remembered worldwide!
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· 4h
This may be the greatest video in internet in history:
Steven Lundgren@love4thegameAK
President Donald Trump plans to expand the White House domestic policy office by appointing an individual to focus exclusively on combating human trafficking #StopTrafficking #SavetheChildren #PrayersfortheInnocentVictims ThanQ
JUST IN: Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, has retired from the State Department. She was abruptly removed from her post in May 2019 and was a key witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
President Trump has issued a travel ban and quarantine period for those coming from China... due to the CoronaVirus... How long before the Democrats fight it?
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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· Oct 8, 2012
Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.
Wouldn't it be great if that 1st indictment is Schiff or Biden & it happens Mon or Tues, exposing crimes/treason re: Ukraine & in the process making the world realize why Dems were working so hard to impeach President Trump? Just before the SOTU would be sweet!
CONFIRMED: GOP Senators Screw Trump – Closing Arguments on Monday – Final Impeachment Vote Wednesday …After SOTU Address! Why did the US Senate purposely push the President’s acquittal until after the SOTU Address! They had the votes, why did they? https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/confirmed-gop-senators-screw-trump-closing-arguments-on-monday-final-impeachment-vote-wednesday-after-sotu-address/
Why is Mitch McConnell postponing the Acquittal Vote until after the SOTU, Anything can happen, Dems have No Bottom Nancy could even cancel the Address Why Wait, Vote Sunday
1hTwo big losses for the transnational Deep State today. Coup against @RealDonaldTrump
shattering in Senate and #BrexitDay!
· 1h
2 Thessalonians 3:13 AMP [13] And as for [the rest of] you, believers, do not grow tired or lose heart in doing good [but continue doing what is right without weakening].
American Girl 2 @AZgirl4Trump
· 2h
You have just witnessed the Lord frustrate the plans of the wicked. #Aquittedforever #Trump2020Landslide #Winning @realDonaldTrump #BestPresidentEver45 #TrumpTrain
ANTIFA Thugs swarmed Grand Central Station! Protesting for FREE TRANSIT & NO COPS!! See what the Democrats have created... New York has become a shit hole like California!
New drop (31 Jan '20). Clip fm 18 Sep '17 event. Dreamers shouted Pelosi down as a liar (re: deportations) forcing her to leave after 20 min. This is small taste of how Americans will react to Dems when truth about crimes comes out. https://breitbart.com/clips/2017/09/18/immigration-protesters-force-pelosi-end-presser-chanting-liar/…
Crazy Nancy Pelosi is giving us a front row seat to her mental breakdown. Enjoy the show..... #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #StormIsUponUs #TrustThePlan #ImWithQ
White House Photos@photowhitehouse
They are Lovingly walking together.@realDonaldTrumpwalked side by side
to board Marine One at 4:40 pm, to head to his private Florida club Mar a Lago. He did not take any questions shouted by assembled press. Photo by William Moon /South Lawn / White House
Replying to@DOITQ_GO17
We knew it was at the first day of reporting. It was patented in 2018 & Bill gates predicted it would create a pandemic! He’s part owner of the patent! Did they also create a vax at the same time?
February 1st is the feast of the “Mary of the Gaels”, Saint Brigid of Kildare, Virgin: Picto-Gaelic freedwoman, disciple of Saint Patrick, nun, wonderworker, founding Abbess of Cell Dara, and patroness of Ireland, who died on this day in A.D. 525.
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
Perfect example of what we are feeling...
What exactly are u waiting 4
@senatemajldr@SenateGOP?! This ENTIRE IMPEACHMENT SHAM can be OVER by the end of TMRW! WHY would
wait so that Dems can make up more BULLSHT & lies?? Why would @GOP send@POTUS to SOTU address NOT ACQUITTED?!
· Jan 28
Bill Gates admitting to using "vaccines" to reduce population... Demonstrates how to bring the population as close to zero as possible. https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1222278844465516544
The swamp impeached Trump. TRUMP WON. Today was a BEAUTIFUL day.
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Chuck Schumer@SenSchumer
· 1h
America will remember this day. Senate Republicans turned away from truth and went along with a sham trial. If President Trump is acquitted with no witnesses, no documents, the acquittal will have no value because Americans will know this wasn't a real trial.
🙏Praying every day.
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· 8h
Replying to @SeanCordicon
Amen, Brother! ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!!!! We carry on and fight the good fight bc we have Jesus in our hearts. Keep going and enduring until the end!
“Many cannot/will not swallow. What is No Such Agency - Q group? Who has clearance to full picture?” -Q Ironic this is post 144 & Q talks about a 40,000’ view... #WWG1WGA
Would you have come if you knew the scope of this mission? I came only because I saw, still see the scope of God’s mission. Those awake know those asleep can’t see. Those who are righteous & awake try to gingerly leave crumbs. My crumbs are just getting bigger #GodWins
QMAP: [#144] Patriots Don't Sleep
Be a part of the Great Awakening. Get real-time Qanon drops and POTUS tweets. We are the news now!
POTUS has another plan. Wait and see
Quote Tweet
· 4h
What exactly are u waiting 4 @senatemajldr @SenateGOP?! This ENTIRE IMPEACHMENT SHAM can be OVER by the end of TMRW! WHY would @GOP wait so that Dems can make up more BULLSHT & lies?? Why would @GOP send @POTUS to SOTU address NOT ACQUITTED?!https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/developing-senate-trial-extended-to-next-wednesday-senate-pushes-sham-until-after-scheduled-sotu-address/
America First - Official Account America-First.org
Summary: screw that bullshit! Now get some good laws passed for America, all you Swamp creatures are the same to us. If you want redemption We The People demand arrests for the 2008 financial crisis and all the recent mess! #MAGA #EndTheFed
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Leader McConnell
· 4h
A majority of the U.S. Senate has determined that the numerous witnesses and 28,000-plus pages of documents already in evidence are sufficient to judge the House Managers’ accusations and end this impeachment trial. My full statement: https://bit.ly/31e1POX
Boomerism: *What a chop* on Mrs. Pelosi. Senator Cruz wondering if Pelosi is going to mock our President with her little hand clap gesture like last SOTU Address.
yesitsme (jtwightman) Just a messenger
Fema Operation Trojan Horse Told You So. Learn It!
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Trump'd @Trumped18
· 1h
Amended order! 1-31-2020 Military Force Law! MARTIAL LAW https://whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/text-letter-president-certain-chairmen-chairwoman-house-senate-committees/… #QAnon #WWG1WGA .@realDonaldTrump .@GenFlynn
The Epstein connection & ties to the C][A Israeli Mossad will come to Light. The control was important to the plan. Blackmail at it’s deepest, darkest level. How would you have protected the most valuable assets in World History? I would protect my asset in a very safe place.
Raise your hand and follow me if you are ready for some good news from the John Durham investigation? I think it’s high time for some serious light being shared on the corruption from the deep state and the Democrats
Dude. It was fucking Buzzfeed that got ZeroHedge suspended from Twitter for reporting on the possibility that coronavirus was man-made. They claimed ZH doxxed a Chinese scientist. The MSM isn’t just the enemy. They’re pure fucking evil.
George Soros demands Zuckerberg be kicked out as Facebook CEO
@TomFittonon the@LarsLarsonShow
: "
Impeachment Effort Largely to Protect Obama/Clinton Gang from Accountability over #SpyGate!"
Senate Impeachment Trial Questions By the Numbers: - Senators asked 180 Questions - 76 were directed to White House Counsel - 73 were directed to the House Managers - 31 were directed to both Overall: - Philbin answered 66 - Schiff answered 53 - There were 211 total responses
I remember when Nancy Pelos_i called President Trump a Demagogue. So I looked it up....and saved it. A demagogue is a leader of the people, the common man, the rabble. It has been used recently as an attack word to disparage a leader who one opposes.
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Our Democracy Is Under Attack
· Jan 6
Replying to @ScottPresler and @realDonaldTrump
Over on liberal MSM they’re trying to figure out what just happened today. Seriously, with the 24/7 smear job on Trump and they still came up empty well.... what the hell....
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
It's A Lie
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Rudy Giuliani@RudyGiuliani
· 1h
The meeting the Times describes is a lie. If Bolton is the source and he believed this was so bad, why didn’t he quit. Just exactly how much integrity and honor will a man sacrifice for greed and revenge?
Bolton is to blame for the self-serving Vindman Twins. The Vindman Twins Are Creatures of John Bolton – American Greatness
Jason Galanis Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Multiple Fraudulent Schemes | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice
I Saw The Light Christ@isawthelight
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Hosted at Dinner a Ukrainian Donor to Family Foundation
I have no idea who these ladies are but they thought Schiff was hilarious.
I am hearing multiple & LOUD lightning strikes. Strong storms minutes away. Time to batton down the hatches. I love power of Mother Nature but there are MANY tourists down here out & about having fun for Super Bowl weekend. This may catch them by surprise. Such is life...
Antifa = scum God bless you NYPD!
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Brendan Krisel@Brendan_Krisel
· 4h
#FTP3 protesters are getting on trains at Port Authority and leading chants. Lots of cops following them on
UPDATE: Shots Fired at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida after Black SUV Breaches Checkpoints -- Hannah Roemhild -- UNHINGED BERNIE SUPPORTER! https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/breaking-shots-fired-at-trumps-mar-a-lago-club-in-florida-after-black-suv-breaches-checkpoints/… via
Jason Galanis Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Multiple Fraudulent Schemes | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice
Today should be a #Holiday thanks to such TRIUMPHANT event! #AdamSchiff & #DemocRATS, party of #hate, disruption, destruction, #Infanticide, #ChildPorn, #Socialism, #OpenBorders, #PC deserves this & more! We will keep OUR FOOT UP YOUR A**! We loving #Americans ARE HERE TO STAY
Downing Street Dog Dilyn
· 5h
VIDEO: Nigel Farage leads a countdown to the moment Britain officially leaves the EU, at a pro-Brexit celebration in Westminster tonight #ParliamentSquare #brexit
Bill and Hillary Cartoon Meme
Trump hockey checks HRC
Q3807 Biden and Others Think Running for President Will Protect Them from Prosecution. Q warned us Q2219 Sep 2018 Watch those announcing 2020 P running. "You cannot attack a political opponent" Impeached None are protected... Q
I'M SHEEPDOG Come in Get Them2A
SHEEPDOGS Watch The Legendary Johnny Carson Rip a Corrupt Joe Biden Thirty Years Ago
When you got #QAnon on the brain...
Wait until November, Bette.
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Bette Midler@BetteMidler
· 4h
I am heartbroken. It’s like a death in the family. Only it’s a nation. https://twitter.com/p_l_kennedy/status/1223378657034391554
I’m obviously no Bernie fan but this is some hardcore bullshit right here
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Ryan Saavedra@RealSaavedra
· 50m
BREAKING: DNC Members Discuss Changing Rules To Stop Sanders From Getting Nomination At Convention https://dailywire.com/news/dnc-members-discuss-changing-rules-to-stop-sanders-from-getting-nomination-report-says/
Democrat party is done.
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· 13m
I aint afraid of no ghost
Trump supporters are livid that McConnell is allowing the impeachment sham to go on until Wednesday - past SOTUS and are calling him out. Dems will have DAYS to whip up more "bombshells"
So what else will happen between now&Wednesday? Who or what will Dems invent to use as evidence against Trump? What else will Schiff “Leak”to NYT? Or what disaster will happen to create a diversion that they can blame on the POTUS? We know it’s gonna happen! What do U foresee?
‘Can’t. Stop. Laughing’! Adam Schiff trying (and failing) to keep fellow Dem from stealing last word at impeachment trial is ‘priceless’
WTP are anxiously awaiting real justice. We're tired of the endless waste of taxpayer funds going towards baseless, false investigations. We know there's a wealth of evidence to be seen & heard. Let's start prosecuting the real criminals. NOW. #LockThemUp #ExposeTheGuilty
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George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19
· 15h
I predicted a swift acquittal last week. Get ready to see indictments drop on the other side, the foreign governments who spied on us and interfered in our election exposed and a landslide in 2020 with the house flipping red. The attempt to coverup the truth has ended. Big news!
Let me let you in on a little secret - media hacks already know this impeachment sham is a coordinated distraction to bury the massive corruption scandal sitting right under their noses, and involving the Bidens. They know about Biden & it’s worse than you’ve been led to believe.
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Hillary Clinton@HillaryClinton
· 1h
With their votes to make the American president accountable to no one, Republican senators have put the interests of one president over the interests of all Americans. The only remedy now is for us all to vote in overwhelming numbers to replace them—and him—in November.
Trolls, how is your awakening going? Remember how we told you senior power levels of the world are saturated with anti-human globalist monsters who use child abuse to consolidate an army of compromised puppets at the top of government, corporations and media? We can wait. #QAnon
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The Source Magazine
· Jan 30
Azriel Clary Says R. Kelly Would Use Sex Tapes as Blackmail and Beat Her with an Air Force 1 Sneaker http://ow.ly/sMq530qdz4t
I Love My FAMILY ... The History And The Story Lines Told, Looking Through The Glass.. Honor And Respect, That Is All We Ask . #WWE #WWG1WGA *+*
That’s it! We finally left the EU Here is that proud moment in history
Chief Justice Roberts says it would be inappropriate for him, an unelected official from a different branch of government, to break a tie.
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Jon Bowne@NewsBowne
· 1h
Schumer Shot Down By Justice Roberts. http://dailynewscollective.com
Ken Davis #KAG #PostDisclosure #5-D-Earth
https://youtu.be/om7uZ78s89k X22 2085b
They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The...
Prepare Today And Save 40% On A 2-Week Food Kit My Patriot Supply http://preparewithx22.com Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www...youtube.com
Quote Tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley@LisaMei62
· 1h
5. Love this! This is a worldwide movement! Dark to light! https://twitter.com/pattonspotting/status/1223391676141621248?s=19
An Introduction To 'Q' | Zero Hedge
Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q?
8:25 PM · Jan 31, 2020·Twitter Web App
@senatemajldr must call the final vote. Don’t let the Dems take Bernie and Warren off the field in Iowa. Don’t let the Dems taint the SOTU. That’s all the delay is about.
Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges https://newspunch.com/adam-schiff-associate-arrested-lapd-pedophilia-charges/… via@yournewswire

Jordan Sather
· Jan 30
Would you look at that. Study of the coronavirus genetics shows this new found strain may have been engineered and "accidentally" released for vaccine creation. If you don't agree because I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, take it up w/ @lifebiomedguru https://jameslyonsweiler.com/2020/01/30/on-the-origins-of-the-2019-ncov-virus-wuhan-china/?fbclid=IwAR0aFjC4kWRz-qfoO1RYc7w6TWmqoYLbnfbvA9Od2WympBgxBJ5ikpqT5BU
Trutherfly 11.11-Reclaimingthesymbol
· 1h
This moon is BRRRIIIGHT for a crescent! @KenDavi80404473
Coming to a theater near you
The more you know
I may actually watch The View on Monday morning. One of those unhinged ladies may finally self-combust with rage.
One might argue we should build watertight cases, let Trump win by a nominal margin in 2020 and THEN bring the hammer to avoid abuse-of-power optics - but I say he DESERVES at least one earthshaking landslide victory, topping even Reagan in 84, for his permanent legacy. BRING IT!
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Paul Sperry@paulsperry_
· 8h
Because Barr & Durham cannot assume Trump will be reelected, they know they have only a 10-month, 12-month max, window to get their arms around and prosecute an enormous public corruption/criminal conspiracy scandal. Expect the first perp walks by summer, if not sooner.
Let's Go Peter Mackay... Bohemian Grove
Feds arrested Dr.Charles Lieber, chair-Harvard Univ.Dept.of Chemistry&Chemical Biology, w/lying to D.O.D about secret mo. pymnts of 50 grand&millions more pd by China to set up a chemical/bio “Research” lab there-ground zero to the pandemic “Coronavirus” (https://boston.cbslocal.com/2020/01/28/massachusetts-china-indictments-charles-lieber-yanqing-ye-zaosong-zheng/…)
Why was Flynn framed? Flynn was against actions that lead to destabilization of middle east and rise of terrorist war lords. Lots of military protested. Flynn said "Clowns lost sight of who they work for, they work for American people, not Obama." & very outspoken on Iran deal.
Intentional Misspellings - Call for Mass Dig Let's Start Here: Q2 Presidecy - Find the n Q4 Intellingence - Extra n, is this it? Q39 missle - Find the i Q409 priorty - Find the i
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JamieR {} Army Girl TRUMP 88022
· 5h
Schumer You & your fellow Dems did a Partisan Impeachment with 17 Trump Hating witnesses with NO Proof, just Allegations & No one to speak up for the President. That will go down in history as the biggest SHAM in US History What comes around goes around
l E T 17
· 1h
“There is a storm running through this Capitol”. You’re damn right https://twitter.com/m2madness/status/1223367293033418753
Graham just said the impeachment was “partisan Bull” and it ends Wednesday! But...the Biden investigation is just beginning...
Breitbart News@BreitbartNews
· 13h
President Trump on Adam Schiff: “He’s a sick puppy, but you know what? Today I hit my highest poll numbers since I got elected.” https://trib.al/eXB25Ad
NUTS-- In a Struggle to sell 'Sonic' tickets, Mr. Dumb & Dumber, Jim Carrey, claims Paintings of Republicans Dying Were Never About 'Hating Anyone' http://bit.ly/2REZkCc via
Ummm, 12 hours?
Quote Tweet
· 20m
How long before the demotards start screaming that he killed an honorable man and the libs scream "he is starting WW3!!!!" https://twitter.com/reubing/status/1223459246051942400
In Landslide Defeat, Dems Lose Race That Was Supposed To Start Turning Texas Blue Texans elected Republican businessman Gary Gates over Dem Eliz Markowitz by an impressive 58% to 42% margin to become next congressman for the 28th Congressional District.