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State of Being
Underneath the ocean floor, within the Bermuda Triangle, exists the remains of the city of Atlantis. There is one crystalline temple that contained Atlantean technology for time travel, which used crystals to open portals, allowing for travel to other dimensions and planets.
11:55 PM · Apr 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
State of Being
Apr 14
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This is where it gets interesting- it seems the Atlantean time travel technology was partially damaged but continues functioning to this day.
State of Being
Apr 14
Imagine, a mirror hanging from a string that is being moved by the currents of the water. Every time the mirror flashes to the surface it opens a portal. Any craft, ships, airplanes etc. in the vicinity will go through the portal and travel to another dimension.
State of Being
Apr 14
Dolores Cannon explains...
DoloresCannon - The New Earth
Conscious Living Expo 2007 FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Website: https://goo.g...

Apr 15
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Drunvalo Melchizadek gave similar testimony as relayed to him by Thoth himself, in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.  Fascinating read that has helped me upon my own journey to awakening.
State of Being
Apr 15
Agree!  Volumes 1 and 2 are excellent resources.  Ancient Secrets The chapters on “The Sirian Experiment” are fascinating and few know how the Sirians saved planet Earth on “August 7, 1972 and the Successful Aftermath.”

Folded handsFolded handsFolded hands

Fred Skaff
Apr 15
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How much weed do I need to smoke to see it?
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read the book Lebor Clann Glas
Apr 15
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have you seen these vortexes in the footage of 9/11? could help to determine if 9/11 was CGI or not ;-)

Wow this song says it all, share this #StopHumanTrafficking #SAVETHECHILDERN #MoleChildren #EtherealAngel
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Peacock6PeacockCollision symbolExtraterrestrial alienCollision symbol
 · Apr 15
Have you seen this video?  
What R your thoughts? 
Its all about the children!

#MoleChildren #EtherealAngels
Yes, the eerie sound of silence.  Why is that?  Because they have no idea how to explain what is coming next?
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Buck Sexton
 · Apr 15
Given that we’re running an unprecedented experiment in voluntarily shutting down our national economy (with a global shutdown around it)-

one would think there’d be a lot of economists explaining to the public what 2 more months of this would do to us 

But no. mostly silence.
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The Alaskan Patriot Blue heart
Apr 14
Dem Leader Explains They're Not Meeting Before May 'Absent an Emergency'. Hmmmm, I thought a pandemic that killed thousands of Americans WAS an emergency.
Outrage After Steny Hoyer Says the House Won't Meet for Weeks 'Absent an Emergency'
You Retweeted
Apr 15
Stay The Course.
Trust Your President. 
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Jordan Sather
Apr 15
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Let's hope the pharma lobby didn't buy him whatever he's smoking
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Lisa Mei Crowley Frog face
Apr 15
What the hell is this guy smoking?!
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Lindsey Graham
 · Apr 15
I have great respect for 
@BillGates and his work in the public health arena. 

If someone like Bill Gates were in charge of the WHO I would gladly support increased funding, but I have lost all confidence in the current WHO leadership and capabilities.
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Peacock6PeacockCollision symbolExtraterrestrial alienCollision symbol
Apr 15
AWK News 4.15.20: An informed [awake] public holds all the keys.
AWK News 4.15.20: An informed [awake] public holds all the keys.
Get Your Back Up Solar Bank Now and Be Prepared! Click Here! Get 15% OFF W/ Promo Code "know15" ------------------------------...
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l E T 17
Apr 15
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 · Apr 15
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
We are getting flagged on Facebook!!!!
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Apr 15
This Particular Podcast Claims One Man Saw Children Having Sex In A Masonic Lodge In The States And He Was Allowed To Have Sex With An 11 Year Old If He Wanted ?
Exposing Sex Magick Rituals
In this episode we discuss sex magic rituals and their purpose. Why do occultists practice? Many of the Elite may also be participating in these perversions that have connection with cults, child...

CIA Popularized "Conspiracy Theory" Term to Silence Dissent

Abby Martin talks to Lance deHaven-Smith, Florida State University professor and author of 'Conspiracy Theory in America', about some of the US' most controversial events and how labeling truth-seekers as 'conspiracy theorists' damages democracy.
For further reading, here is an excerpt from Kevin R. Ryan's excellent articleDo we need another 9/11 conspiracy theory?

"The use of “conspiracy theory” to deter citizens from investigating historic events is paradoxical, to be sure. It suggests that those who commit criminal conspiracies can only be relatively powerless people who happen to live on the most strategically important lands, and conspiracies among rich, powerful people are impossible or absurd.

Basically, our entire legal system is based on the idea of conspiracy. Despite this fact we have been conditioned by the government and the media to blindly accept the official reports and to treat any questioning of those reports as “conspiracy theorizing.”  That is, you are a conspiracy theorist if you don’t believe the government’s conspiracy theory.

This cultural phenomenon goes back to 1967. At that time, in response to questions about the Warren Commission Report (which President Ford helped create), the CIA issued a memorandum calling for mainstream media sources to begin countering “conspiracy theorists.”[13] In the 45 years before the CIA memo came out, the phrase “conspiracy theory” appeared in the Washington Post and New York Times only 50 times, or about once per year. In the 45 years after the CIA memo, the phrase appeared 2,630 times, or about once per week.

Before the CIA memo came out, the Washington Post and New York Times had never used the phrase “conspiracy theorist.” After the CIA memo came out, these two newspapers have used that phrase 1,118 times. Of course, in these uses the phrase is always delivered in a context in which “conspiracy theorists” were made to seem less intelligent and less rationale than people who uncritically accept official explanations for major events.

President George W. Bush and his colleagues often used the phrase conspiracy theory in attempts to deter questioning about their activities. When questioned by reporters about an emerging scandal in September 2000, Bush said the idea that his presidential campaign was flashing subliminal messages in advertisements was absurd, and he added that “conspiracy theories abound in America’s politics.”[14] When in 1994, Bush’s former company Harken Energy was linked to the fraudulent Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) through several investors, Bush’s spokeswoman, Karen Hughes, shut down the inquiry by telling the Associated Press — “We have no response to silly conspiracy theories.”

Because Bush’s campaign had, in fact, been flashing subliminal messages in its advertisements, and Harken Energy was actually linked to BCCI, people began to wonder what Bush and his colleagues meant when they made diversionary comments about conspiracy theories.  More importantly, that track record raised questions about Bush’s statement after the 9/11 attacks, in which he said in a televised speech — “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.”

There is no question that criminal government-sponsored conspiracies exist. History is replete with them and they usually involve the government claiming that the country was under attack from “terrorists.” This was true of Hitler’s Reichstag fire and it was true of the attacks that occurred in 20th century Western Europe under the guise of Operation Gladio. An example more relevant to 9/11 was the conspiracy behind Operation Northwoods, a plan drafted and approved in 1962 by the highest levels within the U.S. military.

Author James Bamford wrote of Operation Northwoods that it called “for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. [This would provide] the public and international backing they needed to launch their war.”[15] The signed documents are available to everyone today and because of this we know that high level U.S. government representatives do conspire, on occasion, to commit crimes against the American people for the purpose of starting wars.[16]

And see this: “Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term

“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term
Subtle and Deceptive Tactics to Discredit Truth in Media and Research
By James F. Tracy
Global Research, March 24, 2017
Region: USA
Theme: History, Intelligence, Media Disinformation
print 319   76  3    673

First published by Global Research in 2013, this pathbreaking analysis by Professor James Tracy shows how the term “conspiracy theory” is being used to label critical analysis and dissenting viewpoints.

“Conspiracy theory” is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.

Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. de-Haven-Smith devised the  state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

Weaponizing the Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents and the CIA
“CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.”

The memorandum lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for “countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.” For example, approaching “friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)” to remind them of the Warren Commission’s integrity and soundness should be prioritized. “[T]he charges of the critics are without serious foundation,” the document reads, and “further speculative discussion only plays in to the hands of the [Communist] opposition.”

The agency also directed its members “[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”

1035-960 further delineates specific techniques for countering “conspiratorial” arguments centering on the Warren Commission’s findings. Such responses and their coupling with the pejorative label have been routinely wheeled out in various guises by corporate media outlets, commentators and political leaders to this day against those demanding truth and accountability about momentous public events.

No significant new evidence has emerged which the [Warren] Commission did not consider.
Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others.
Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States.
Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it.
Oswald would not have been any sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator.
Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” [during the Warren Commission’s inquiry] can always be explained in some natural way e.g.: the individuals concerned have for the most part died of natural causes.
Today more so than ever news media personalities and commentators occupy powerful positions for initiating propaganda activities closely resembling those set out in 1035-960 against anyone who might question state-sanctioned narratives of controversial and poorly understood occurrences. Indeed, as the motives and methods encompassed in the document have become fully internalized by intellectual workers and operationalized through such media, the almost uniform public acceptance of official accounts concerning unresolved events such as the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, 9/11, and most recently the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, is largely guaranteed.

The effect on academic and journalistic inquiry into ambiguous and unexplained events that may in turn mobilize public inquiry, debate and action has been dramatic and far-reaching. One need only look to the rising police state and evisceration of civil liberties and constitutional protections as evidence of how this set of subtle and deceptive intimidation tactics has profoundly encumbered the potential for future independent self-determination and civic empowerment.

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © James F. Tracy, Global Research, 2017

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