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Babylon to Rome

The blueprint for control by religion was honed and polished in Babylon, in the lands of Sumer in Mesopotamia.

Babylon is also the location from where the global financial scam was foisted on the world.

This scam involves lending people money that doesn't exist and charging interest on it.

It just so happens that Babylon became the new headquarters of the Anunnaki bloodlines after the Sumer Empire collapsed.


Their operational centre later moved to Rome and it was then that we had the Roman Empire and the founding of the Roman Church, which, understandably, was a copy of the religion of Babylon.

It uses the same methods, symbols, and stories. It is interesting to note that the word basilica, as in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, would appear to originate from a term relating to both a deadly serpent and royalty.

A basilisk was a "mythical serpent, lizard or dragon, the "King of Serpents", whose hissing drove away all other reptiles, and whose glance and breath were fatal", according to Norman Lewis in the Comprehensive Word Guide (Doubleday, New York, 1958).


It was the "king snake" that all other reptiles feared.

American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language, Fourth Edition, 2000, reveals that the name basilisk comes from the Latin/Greek terms basiliscus, basiliskos, and basileus, meaning king or "little king".

This evolved into the Old French word, basilisc.

Here we have the connection between royalty and the serpent yet again.


The basilisk is mentioned in Psalm 91, but by the time of the King James translation, the reference has been changed to an "adder".

Later the basilisk became associated with the cock and became interchangeable with the term "cockatrice".

St Peter of basilica fame is connected to the cock, as we shall see.

How appropriate should the centerpiece of the headquarters of the Babylonian Church in Rome be named after a royal serpent.

Rome to London


When the Anunnaki bloodlines moved their operational centre to London after William of Orange arrived in 1688, we had the emergence of the British Empire.

In fact, the empires of Sumer, Babylon, Rome, and Britain were all created and controlled by one force.

In Babylon they used the same structure they had in Sumer with the priesthood acting as the go-between or middleman for the "gods", and this gave them enormous power over the people.


During the Babylon period the Anunnaki were seeking to rise from the ashes of Sumer and develop their strategy for taking over the world covertly through their bloodlines and front organizations.

To do this, they needed to take out of circulation the true accounts of history, especially their own role in humanity's suppression, and the esoteric knowledge that would allow the people to understand the magnitude of their own power and potential.

God save us from religion

It has served us well, this myth of Christ.
Pope Leo X

Religion is the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented and it has been the most important weapon in the reptilian agenda for thousands of years. It has imprisoned the minds of the masses and kept them in perpetual fear and servitude.

They accept their, often grotesque, plight on the word of men in long frocks who tell them it is "God's plan".

Take the shit today and you'll have paradise tomorrow.


It's always tomorrow.

Is it Hot Today Because We Are Actually in HELL? (Rant:)

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Sacrificial Time Machine in 13 Ghosts & A Plane Hit TRUMP Copper Top 1llum1nati Crown Jewel

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Rise of the Quetzalcoatl #17 Peacock Feathered Serpent, MANIFEST Final Decode Pt. 4


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Jesus Christ & The Book of Nazarene (Historical Theory)

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Chat: Reptilians in Roman/Greek Mythology...

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Litha (Sumer is Icumen in) Occult Mythology

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The Myths of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Maldek

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Chapter 05: Prophecy Fulfilled

Posted by David Wilcock | Nov 27, 2005 | 

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (draft of Pt 1)

Chapter 04: The Egyptian Pyramids

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (draft of Pt 1)

Posted by David Wilcock | Nov 27, 2005 |

Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (draft of Pt 1)

Posted by David Wilcock | Nov 27, 2005 |

Chapter 02: Ra, Ra the Gang’s All Here

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (draft of Pt 1)

Posted by David Wilcock | Nov 27, 2005 |

Chapter 01: Setting the Stage

The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce (draft of Pt 1) 

Posted by David Wilcock | Nov 27, 2005 |

Rome & the Greenland Theory Part 4 ~ Underground Cities

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Ishtar ~ The Mother of Dragons (Reptilian Fertility Goddess)

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Thu, 25 Nov 2021 - 09:42 GMT

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Greek & Roman Deities as Personifications of Divine Principles —

Manly P. Hall - Greek & Roman Deities

Last updated on Jun 2, 2016

Lectures by Manly P. Hall »

• 1. Divine Dynasty - Uranus, Cronus and Zeus

• 2. Circle of the Twelve Olympian Deities

• 3. Children of Zeus - Secondary Order of the Gods & Mortals

• 4. Heroes - Offspring of the Gods & Mortals

• 5. Neoplatonic Key to the Grand Cycle of Myths


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Holdings: [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander: › vufind › Record › 1238554

Bibliographic Details [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander: in seventeen books : together with his second book, called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters, with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English, by ...

Holdings: Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander: › vufind › Record › 1213724

Bibliographic Details; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander: in seventeen books : together with his second book called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English by Dr. Everard.

PDF I. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistos › download › hermes-trismeistos › Hermes Trismeistos.pdf

sun goes around the Earth) Hermes Trismesgistos was a very powerful ancient mage. He was _not_ a god. No reputable medieval magus believed in polytheism -- most, like John Dee, were devout (if goofy) Christians. In his writings, collectively called the Corpus Hermeticorum, Hermes describes himself as "Philosopher, Priest, and King".

Quetzalcoatl, the Maya Maize God, and Jesus Christ › jbms › vol11 › iss1 › 3

Many scholars suggest that Quetzalcoatl of Mesoamerica (also known as the Feathered Serpent), the Maya Maize God, and Jesus Christ could all be the same being.

By looking at ancient Mayan writings such as the Popol Vuh, this theory is further explored and developed.

These ancient writings include several stories that coincide with the stories of Jesus Christ in the Bible, such as the creation and the resurrection.

The role that both Quetzalcoatl and the Maize God played in bringing maize to humankind is comparable to Christ’s role in bringing the bread of life to humankind.

Furthermore, Quetzalcoatl is said to have descended to the Underworld to perform a sacrifice strikingly similar to the atonement of Jesus Christ. These congruencies and others like them suggest that these three gods are, in fact, three representations of the same being.

Mayan Gods - Kukulkán, Ixchel, Chaak, and many more...

Mayan Gods and Goddesses – A List

The Divinity of the Resplendent Quetzal

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth 

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Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 11

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 10

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 9

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 8

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 7

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 6

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 5

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 4

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 3

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 2

Analysis of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth ~ Tablet 1

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Holdings: [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander: › vufind › Record › 1238554

Bibliographic Details [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, his Divine Pymander: in seventeen books : together with his second book, called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters, with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English, by ...

Holdings: Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander: › vufind › Record › 1213724

Bibliographic Details; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus his Divine pymander: in seventeen books : together with his second book called Asclepius, containing fifteen chapters with a commentary / translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the original into English by Dr. Everard.

PDF I. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistos › download › hermes-trismeistos › Hermes Trismeistos.pdf

sun goes around the Earth) Hermes Trismesgistos was a very powerful ancient mage. He was _not_ a god. No reputable medieval magus believed in polytheism -- most, like John Dee, were devout (if goofy) Christians. In his writings, collectively called the Corpus Hermeticorum, Hermes describes himself as "Philosopher, Priest, and King".

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Did Commander Ricard Byrd Find the Hollow Earth in 1926?

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Clones, Synthetics, & Organic Robotoids

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The New World Order, Reptilians, & Biblical Prophecy

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as re-translated by Dr. S. Asher

THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES (Pt. 1 of 3) - Manly P. Hall - full esoteric occult audiobook

Sep 17, 2022 THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES (Pt. 1 of 3) - Manly P. Hall - full esoteric occult audiobook. Like no other book of the twentieth century, Manly P. Hall's legendary The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a codex to the ancient occult and esoteric traditions of the world. Students of hidden wisdom, ancient symbols, and arcane practices treasure Hall's magnum opus above all other works. Please consider supporting my work and download the high quality audio at

If you'd like to obtain your own copy of The Secret Teachings, you can purchase it at

Aleister Crowley & Thelema (Sex Magick Lecture)

May 1, 2021

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Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the head of the Illuminati's Cult of Neptune. 

Prince Vittorio has a residence in Geneva Switzerland where there is a statue of Shiva at CERN. Shiva is depicted in Hindu mythology carrying a trident. The trident is also a symbol for Poseidon or Neptune. Shiva is called a destroyer in Hindu Mythology.

Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin - Wikipedia

Vittorio Emanuele was born in Turin just before his father Prince Amadeo of Savoy, Duke of Aosta was about to leave for Spain where he had been elected king. His mother was Maria Vittoria del Pozzo della Cisterna.With his father's accession to the Spanish throne he gained the additional title Infante of Spain.. The duel. In 1897 Vittorio Emanuele challenged Prince Henri of Orléans to a duel ...

Giuseppe Ricci - Wikipedia

Giuseppe Ricci (1853 in Genoa - April 21, 1901 in Turin) was an Italian painter, often painting indoor genre themes. Biography. While he was born and a resident of Genoa, he had trained first in Turin with Enrico Gamba and then in Paris with Léon Bonnat.

Man Who Would Be King Can Only Long for Italy -

Aug 8, 2000Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, heir to Italian throne, and father Vittorio Emanuele IV are lobbying fiercely for right to visit Italy, from which they have been barred by 1948 constitutional ...

Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy 'admits killing of German ... - Mail Online

Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy has been captured on video confessing to killing a German teenager more than 30 years ago. The son of Italy's last king, who was in Potenza jail at the time the ...

Who is the leader of the Illuminati - Mr. Checkout

Prince Stefano Massimo is Satan. Stefano means "Crowned" and Massimo translates to "Greatest" Lucifer is associated with Satan and is called the "Son of the morning" Prince Stefano Massimo is the son of Dawn Addams. Dawn is the morning. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is known as the Leviathan in Hebrew mythology and the King of Pergamos. › r › conspiracy › comments › 6rohuh › savoygenovese_crime_company

Savoy-Genovese Crime Company : conspiracy -

Vittorio Emanuele IV is the Prince of Naples and has a residence in Geneva Switzerland.

The Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in … 


Savoy-Genovese Crime Company

Posted by  u/AhuwahZeus   4 years ago

Vittorio Emanuele IV is the Prince of Naples and has a residence in Geneva Switzerland. The Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in service to the Vatican. The Genovese crime family take their name from Vito Genovese who was born in a Naples commune just as Vittorio is the Prince of Naples. Genovese is a surname for someone from Genoa Italy or from Geneva Switzerland. Genoa or Genova in Italian is the same word as Geneva is Swiss. Prince Vittorio is married to Princess Marina Doria who was born in Switzerland. The Doria family were one of the wealthiest banking families in Genoa for centuries. The Savoy family also had a Savoy-Genovese family branch which recently married with the Roman House of Massimo. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV has numerous criminal charges against him including murder, association with organized crime, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution. He tends to get off on all his charges though. Prince Vittorio was also a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was involved with the Vatican, Italian government, Italian media, and organized crime like the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari fascist paramilitary group and Banda della Magliana or Magliana Mafia. The Savoy family put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The House of Savoy and Black Nobility used Mussolini to establish the Vatican as a nation and to weaken and persecute their opposition in Italy. Members of the Savoy family include Prince Vittorio of Savoy, Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy-Genoa, Prince Amedeo of Savoy-Aosta, and Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta.

Prince Vittorio is a hidden owner of the Genovese crime family which have infiltrated Wall Street and are extorting businessmen in the United States. Donald Trump used the Genovese-Gambino owned S&A Concrete to build his condos in Manhattan. Trump used Roy Cohn as an attorney who also worked for the former Genovese boss Tony Salerno and former Gambino boss John Gotti. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. The Italian Mafia have always controlled Atlantic City and use the casinos to launder their personal profits. Prince Vittorio was investigated in Italy for financing businessmen involved in casino slot machines and coercion. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City which are controlled by the Italian Nobility and especially working with the Genovese and Gambino crime families. Ivana Trump dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani. The Gaetani-D'Aquila-D'Aragona family of Italy covertly control the Gambino crime family and one of its original bosses was named Salvatore D'Aquila. Prince Roffredo Gaetani faked his death and has been hiding out in Switzerland as him and Prince Vittorio direct Donald Trump's agenda. Prince Vittorio has also worked as a Swiss broker, arms dealer, and military grade helicopter salesman for Agusta and was investigated for selling military weapons and aircraft to Arab nations under weapons sanctions. Vittorio's son Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and the Prince of Venice also has a high authority over his father's criminal empire. The House of Savoy have a great deal of hidden wealth in private Swiss banks and use this for funding fascism, persecution, secret societies, and political corruption.

The Agusta family are Sicilian nobility and owners of Agusta.

Particle Accelerators are generating a dense vibration into the air which is used for oppressing society. Particle Accelerators are nuclear technology. The Manhattan Project was really intended for CERN and particle accelerators. CERN is located in Geneva Switzerland and is the European Organization for Nuclear Research which developed particle accelerators. Vittorio Emanuele IV the Prince of Naples has a residence in Geneva Switzerland and the Savoy family governed Geneva for a period of time in service to the Vatican. The Savoy family put Benito Mussolini in power. Prince Vittorio has numerous charges against him including murder, association with organized crime, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution. He tends to get off on all his charges though. Prince Vittorio was also a member of the P2 Masonic Lodge which was involved with the Vatican, Italian government, Italian media, and organized crime like the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari fascist paramilitary group and Banda della Magliana or Roman Mafia.

The Genovese crime family were founded in Manhattan. They take their name from Vito Genovese who was born in a Naples commune just as Vittorio is the Prince of Naples. Genovese is a surname for someone from Genoa Italy or from Geneva Switzerland. Genoa or Genova in Italian is the same word as Geneva is Swiss. Prince Vittorio is married to Princess Marina Doria who was born in Switzerland. The Doria family were one of the most powerful banking families in Genoa for centuries. Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV is funding CERN and also runs the Genovese crime family from Italy and Switzerland. Liborio Bellomo is believed to be the acting boss of the Genovese crime syndicate which has infiltrated Wall Street and extorting businessmen in the United States. They are laundering the mafia's dirty money through private Swiss bank accounts. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican which was established as a nation by the Savoy appointed Benito Mussolini through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The white cross on red is on the coat of arms of the Savoy family and is the flag of Switzerland.

Donald Trump also has business ties with the Genovese crime family and got his business started in Manhattan. The Genovese owned S&A Concrete built the Trump Towers in Manhattan. Donald Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney who also worked for former Genovese boss Tony Salerno, Gambino boss Carmine Galante, and John Gotti. Atlantic City is ran by the mafia and is where Trump built his casino. Donald Trump purchased the property for his casino from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa. The Italian Mafia launder their personal profits through casinos and have run Atlantic City from its beginnings. Donald Trump is an associate of the Five Families in New York and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV is a top owner of the Five Families organized crime syndicates. They are using particle accelerators to oppress society covertly as they attempt a full take over under Donald Trump. Liborio Bellomo is an acting boss of the Genovese crime syndicate and is overseeing the Brookhaven Laboratory.

In my region Doon Gibbs runs the Brookhaven National Laboratory which has a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider shaped as a hexagonal shaped double ring used for colliding positive and negative particles. This is similar to the concept of taking a positively charged magnet and a negatively charged magnet and then binding them together in place to create a condensed force in the middle. Doon Gibbs has studied Condensed Matter Physics. They are using particle accelerators to generate oppressive forces in the atmosphere which condense the vibrations of matter. They are using the particle accelerators to increase gravitational pressure in the lower atmosphere. The word gravity derives from the Latin word "gravis" which means heavy. This speeds up the rate of time and the ware on matter. Gravity has effects on time known as gravitational time dilation. The more you ware on something the faster it will break down.

level 2


OP·4y ago

Prince Vittorio uses his wealth and his control over the House of Medici's wealth to fund CERN as a defense mechanism. All the major particle accelerators are connected with CERN headquartered in Geneva.

The top member of the Agusta family today is Count Rocky Agusta. Rocky Agusta is with a Colombo in the image below.   Home of the Aleph - Tav Bible -   So, if you borrow the letter v from Tav, Marvel?   

The Alpha and The Omega - I am the beginning and the end...

Artificial Intelligent Humanoids are limited by its Creator.

One one (68) 11 👀
Mar A lago (68)
Signs (68)
Barron (68)
Brandon (68)😭🤣🐸Let’s go 

68mirrored is86

We are one (86)
Here we go (86) @savagedystrophy 👀
Respect (86)
God is life (86)
Black swan (86)

Shine light into darkness=260
For the once and future King (260)
The truth is out there (260)

No time to lose alpha and omega (260)
Jewish is (777) 👈👀🤯

You can’t argue with facts (260)
The hammer of whole Earth (260)

Our favorite President (260)
(35<>45=17 we are one)

United States bankrupt (260)
Smash my enemies to pieces (260) 
“Scatter them into the wind in a thousand pieces”

Sing: “Arthur’s last ride”
That’s the way it is 👇

That’s the way it is=207

The storm is coming (207)
Perfect information (207)
The swamp runs deep (207)
The eye of the storm (207)
It’s time to wake up (207)
United States America (207)
Your love is magical (207)

Slow to anger, Gurahl tend to be healers and protectors rather than warriors. Rare since the War of Rage, they were targeted for refusing to teach the Garou the secret of resurrecting the dead. Gurahl are blessed by Gaia with strong wills and many traits of their bear cousins

'Black Panther': Who Is White Wolf?

By CHARLIE RIDGELY - February 17, 2018 11:01 am EST

As you've probably figured out by now, the majority of Black Panther is a standalone affair, keeping itself fairly separate from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, one scene in the film mentions a classic comic character, and reveals that they might be tied to a current member of the MCU.

WARNING: Major Spoilers ahead for Marvel's Black Panther! Continue reading at your own risk...

If you stayed through every last credit at the end of Black Panther, you were met with a scene you were probably expecting: Bucky waking up in Wakanda.

Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, was last seen at the conclusion of Captain America: Civil War, where he was taken to Wakanda and cryogenically frozen. The scientists in the world's most technologically advanced nation were going to attempt to fix his programming, permanently freeing him from anyone's control.

In the Black Panther scene, Bucky woke up in a hut in the outskirts of the country, surrounded by children who were watching over him. Shuri, who was the one operating on Bucky, soon showed up talk with him, preparing him for what's to come next (Infinity War).

This kind of interaction was expected by most, given Bucky's inclusion in the upcoming Avengers films, and the fact that the trailers already revealed that he's still in Wakanda. What caught many off guard in this scene however, was the fact that Bucky was referred to as "White Wolf."

If you're not familiar, White Wolf is actually an important character in the Black Panther comics. Before T'Challa was born, a plane carrying a white family crashed in Wakanda, and only Hunter, the young child of the family, survived. Even though he was advised not to, King T'Chaka kept the child and raised him in Wakanda, making him the adopted brother of T'Challa. As you can imagine, they had a testy relationship over the years.

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

When Hunter got older, T'Chaka appointed him the leader of a secret police force, Hatut Zeraze, and he took on the mantle of the White Wolf. When T'Challa took over as king, he disbanded the force, so White Wolf and his men left Wakanda and became mercenaries. While there was no love lost for T'Challa, Hunter still answered his brother's calls for help whenever Wakanda was in trouble.

So, how does this all tie into Bucky?

Well we know by now that T'Challa never had the adopted brother from the comics, so the traditional White Wolf story is out the window. However, the character seems like a good fit for Bucky Barnes, especially since he will likely want to drop the Winter Soldier mantle.

T'Challa and Bucky already had a difficult relationship, considering T'Challa once believed a brainwashed Winter Soldier killed T'Chaka (even though it was actually Zemo). Bucky has also been welcomed by the people of Wakanda, despite being a white outsider, just like Hunter. On top of all that, Bucky has the mercenary, violent disposition that lines up with the White Wolf character from the comics.

(Photo: Disney/Marvel Studios)

Go back and watch the Avengers: Infinity War trailer again. As you can see, Bucky is fighting alongside the armies of Wakanda, even before the other Avengers are a part of the battle. He's become a part of their war, and he cares for those he's fighting beside. When you factor in the nickname and the end of Black Panther, it looks like the people of Wakanda have already taken him in as the lone outsider in their ranks; the White Wolf.

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