Kimberly Blanton Davis 59m · 8-9-2021
Bridget Stipek - Heal Therapies
Alternative & Holistic Health Service
Subconscious Emotional Release Therapy. Healing Guide. Shadow Work. Guided Meditations. Believer in all things possible.
Located in Kenosha, WI
Bridget understands the emotional/psychological impact of our soul contracts and the ancient trauma so many of us unknowingly carry with us. Those often dark, (archonic forces) acting against you, or that may be attached to you, and many of the things we don't completely understand that may be holding us back, or causing us to 'stand in our own way'.
She can help you release those dark energies from your personal 'field' and unblock the subconcious mindsets and emotions that can hold us all back from living our best lives from time to time.
If you feel connected to Bridget and her services, please contact her through her Facebook page:
Just a little background on Bridget's work...
Bridget spent the better part of 2020-2021 traveling half-way around the world to places like - Egypt, Tanzania, and living at the base of Mt Meru, Africa - clearing her soul, anchoring the new energy of Earth, and discovering herself, so she can now help heal ALL OF YOU!!
She is SO eager to begin healing and anchoring in the energy of The New Earth with you all!!
Bridget is pictured here with Joseph, the son of the man who owns the property where the crystal is located. In order to place that crystal back in that grid, Bridget needed to find the location, using only GPS cooridinates, which were given to her by another wonderful person she came across in her travels, and then identify exactly what crystal was supposed to be placed there.
There are no coincidences.
Let your little light shine!!
Hello beautiful Earth lights, my name is Bridget and I’m a New Earth shaman, healer, lightworker, grid worker, activator and New Earth guide.
In my practice, Heal Therapies, I focus on attuning your vibration through clearing your energy field of what is no longer serving it. I have lived many, many soul lives in different forms and periods of existence, this gives me the ability to look with incredible depth and a very wide view into your personal story and your life. I am able to clear or remove experiences, implants, violations, agreements, contracts, break down and clear illusions, .. (etc.. the list is long..) that may be blocking you or keeping you stuck or in unhealthy lower vibrations.
My gift is to connect with your higher self and spirit team and to be guided by You from a healed and higher existence.
I understand the mystics, the mechanics, and the precision around my work to safely and responsibly attune you to your highest available frequency. I also have the gift of sight and knowing to help you to see yourself in different forms and different lives as well as to support you in this current one.
The new health CARE system is attunement and raising your vibe and frequency into activation so that it may perfectly serve you as it is designed to do.
We only need to come back home to ourselves to activate our beautiful internal genius. I teach, guide and support this awareness and journey back to self.
I love what I do very much and am honored and grateful to get to do what I do! My light is here to ignite yours and to ignite all who are ready.